My sweet sweet baby is two now. I remember holding her in the hospital and thinking that since this was my last baby I was going to soak in every minute of her babyhood. And I thought about her second birthday and how that is the turning point. That's when they are no longer babies and suddenly are talking, walking, throwing fits, and potty training! UGH! But she is really the sweetest and easiest baby we have had. And has been nothing but a blessing to our family. Love you Lorelai Piper.
She had a pretty awesome first year.

Year Two started off with a bang for baby girl with a trip to Chicago and then to Sydney, Australia! What an amazing life she's led as our little world traveler. She won't remember any of these trips, but this is proof she was there.
The special cake my aunt, uncle, and cousins had for her at a family reunion.
Hyde Park downtown Sydney.
Whale watching. I threw up the WHOLE time with motion sickness, but seeing those whales was truly an amazing experience.
Seeing wallabys at the zoo in Darling Harbor, Sydney.
Her first pony tail!
And loves playing peek a boo on her birthday.
Halloween 2014
Clearwater, FL Dec. 2014
Nashville, Tn 2015 Cousin Whitney's wedding.
Just Chillin.
Children's Museum, Tampa.
Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa.
Topsail, NC.
LegoLand, FL Dec. 2014

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