Coat closet: perfectly houses their work box "carts"
I organized my 31 utility bag and file box. This holds all of my lesson plans and any books we would need for the week.
Not sure how this ended up upside down. I am keeping four weeks of Sonlight plans in a binder at a time to eliminate the bulkiness of the blue binders.
Here are both items together. Easily can move about the house or on the go if we homeschool on vacation or at the grandparents houses.
Here is Reece's backpack that he can grab and go.
His binder. Another upside down photo. Clearly I am awesome at arranging photos.
This is something new this year. I am giving each of the kids four weeks worth of lessons. If they finish everything on Wed. then they are done for the week. But the difference is THEY KNOW what is expected and can plan accordingly.
Found this awesome notebook at Walmart and plan to use them to journal our way through their history and science lessons.
All supplies needed for the day in the backpack.
Avery's backpack with her binder (found at Potterybarn Teen) and all her books.
Electric pencil sharpener and supplies table in kitchen nook.
chalkboard that folds up and slides into the coat closet when done for the day.
I am keeping the large chalkboard in the dining room and we will do our history lessons together in there. This is a calender from Melissa and Doug. Just need to get September set up on it for our first month back to school. Still need to hang our map above it.
The chalkboard in all her glory. And where Avery will do her lessons throughout the day. I am taking another new approach to having them in separate areas during their math and language arts time. Behind the chalkboard wall is the kitchen area. So they are close in proximity but enough separated to give Avery quiet.The trunk has toys for Ellie to play with and hopefully keep her occupied during school time when she is not at preschool.
Thanks for stopping by today!

I'm so impressed, you are so organized! I love how you have each kid set up for 4 weeks. And I'm with you on IKEA, I wish I had one near!
Great use of space!!
I had to chuckle about the Ikea comment. Sooo true. We finally made our first trip there (a 4 hour drive through DC traffic) and it sure did make a world of difference. I hope you make it there one day. It's awesome.
Popping in from the blog hop!!
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