I might be a little crazy, but I'm doing it. Reading the entire bible in 90 days. Yes, I am a homeschooling mom of three and attempting to read the entire bible in 90 DAYS. I felt the Lord prompting me to spend more time with him and focus on what matters. I am hoping to see just how much time in my day is wasted by other "stuff" as well. Whew! Today was the first day and I read from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 16:16. It worked out really well today to do it while I had all the kids in rest time. The house was actually quiet. Well, except for when Reece insisted on going #2 in my bathroom. Nothing like hearing that while reading about Noah and the flood! ha ha ha!
I have read Genesis a million times. Well, maybe not a million, but a lot. And today I had quite a few "new" finds. It was so interesting to just read. Not take a million notes, look in commentaries, check references.... just read. Those things aren't bad. I just tend to complicate things sometimes and this keeps me focused.
So here is some tidbits from today....
1. "no suitable helper was found" for some reason it made me chuckle. Did Adam try a badger, eagle, lion to help him with his chores? He was out looking. And boy did he get something awesome when GOD gave it to him. Hmmmmm........
2. "sound of the Lord" I wonder what this is....a swoosh, a gentle rustling of trees, bells, hoping I get to hear this some day
3. animals and people were originally VEGETARIAN and not until NOAH did they eat meat.... interesting......
None of these observations of life changing, theological, philosophical, or even that interesting to other people. But today they just struck me.
Good thoughts and thanks for your honesty!
I have read Genesis quite often as well and still found stuff I didn't know...which you will find in my posts.
I was over at the Bible in Ninety Day's Group Four Mentor's blog and noticed in your comment you are in our group so I thought I would drop by to say hi. I am in your group as well and I am blogging my way through this challenge as well...I am posting up notes and points of view, etc. as I read my way through...I started to post daily notes, but have decided to have a weeks worth of notes up by every Monday evening sometime. All of them can be found here http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/search/label/faith
And while I welcome you to come back as often as you want just keep in mind I'll have weekly notes up for this challenge.
The main link to my blog is http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com
I welcome you to become a follower and/or e-mail subscriber as well. :0)
This is SO exciting!!
I would love for you to stop by and comment in regards to what I post up and we can then keep up with each other's progress!! :0)
Oh...and I just finished Genesis yesterday evening...right on track!! :0)
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