Now I am going to find the most beautiful arrangement to make with the pumpkins and gourds we got from the farm. I can already smell the pumpkin pie in the oven.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Got Some Beef
The kiddos and I pulled on our wellies today and headed out to Leaping Waters farm for our next round of produce and beef. What is it about fall that makes me want to stockpile? Must be leftover from the pioneer days, but I start panicking if the freezer looks too empty. Silly I know. There's 5 grocery stores within 5 miles of my house. But there is such satisfaction in having a shelf of jam we made this summer. A shelf of soups made from summer produce. A door full of frozen veggies. And now a shelf of organic grass fed beef. In a few more weeks we'll get more beef, a couple of turkeys, and some breads that will finish it out for winter. So much easier when it's cold and yucky outside and we're busy with school and activities to just pull stuff out and have dinner already.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
I love them.I can't get enough of them. I have a list and stack that will last (now that I have three kids) two years, sitting by my bed. But I don't stop. I am now reading a few books at once with various book clubs and my own curiosity. So here's the list:
Sabbath by Wayne Muller
Radical by David Platt
The New Dare to Discipline by James Dobson
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Not to mention going through Beth Moore's bible study on Daniel. Whoo! and Sigh! A little ambitious. But I like the challenge. Our homegroup is reading Radical and I am reading Sabbath with an online book club. The benefit is that there are assignments every week which keeps me focused and on a schedule so it's not like I'm trying to read all of these in one week.
I have issues with things like the Kindle because I have this fear of people no longer holding and experiencing what a real book is like. And then I see how much cheaper a book is digitally and maybe I am starting to change my opinion on them.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bloom Book Club
I follow Angie's blog "Bring the Rain" and she has started another blog called "Bloom" that has a book club with it. We are going to start reading Sabbath. Click below for details.
Feeling productive....
while sitting and doing nothing.
This morning we dropped Reece off at preschool and headed over to Target for a few groceries. Then went to Starbucks. I registered my birthday gift card and am now getting tons of coupons in the mail. So for 1.38 I got a breakfast sandwich, grande hot chocolate (salted caramel, yum) and Avery's chocolate milk. We then headed to the library and proceeded to check out books, search the card catalog (finally got my hands on Clean Food) and some audio books. Avery even played on the computer for the first time.
Then we picked Reece back up, came home, ate lunch, and they played outside. Now.... I'm finally letting go. I don't mind them playing in the back yard without me as it is all fence in, but I haven't let them play in the driveway alone because I can't see them the whole time. But I realized that lots of other moms with kids the same age let them play there so I am attempting to be less controlling. I park the van sideways across the driveway so they can't go past it into the street and so far they have followed the rules.
So while they were out having running- around -getting- tired -in- the- cold time, I was able to get the dishwasher loaded, make lunch, start the washer and dryer, make my bed, and pick up the first floor. It suddenly dawned on me that this is a win-win situation. I get some time to finish some work and they have a blast playing outside. I don't freeze to death or get a runny nose standing out there watching them and they aren't stuck inside with a grouchy controlling mommy. I'm a genius. Or maybe an idiot for taking this long to figure it out. ha!
Back to the title. Right now my dishes are getting washed, my clothes are getting cleaned, and dried and I am sitting here on the computer. I love modern technology.
Monday, October 4, 2010
8 Months Old

I can't believe I am even writing this. Ellie Grace is 8 months old today. Last week I was propping her up on the boppy pillow and she stayed on a quilt in the living room. I always knew where she was.
Ellie is now (literally 6 days later) sitting up by herself, crawling, and pulling up to a standing position hanging onto furniture. It is completely remarkable to me, and honestly, I'm not ready for it. ha!
I've been giving her more and more table food. She is not a picky eater except for peas (just the baby food). So far there isn't anything that she won't eat. She has had eggs, pancakes, bread, apples, bananas, strawberries, carrots, corn, pasta, bacon, chicken, tortillas, and a few other things I can't remember.
She loves being with her brother and sister and I am sure that is her motivation for suddenly moving because she is constantly trying to find them. I am so thankful she is still nursing because that guarantees some quiet moments with her.
She has big blue eyes and dark brown hair that I am so glad hasn't changed to blonde. She is her own special little person. She's sweet and maybe a little sassy. Usually very content and happy and smiling.
There is nothing more exciting and more amazing than watching a tiny little baby turn into a little person. I am no less amazed this time around than I was the first time.
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