I love taking pictures. Although, my camera can do way more than I know how to do. I love playing with the settings. I ordered these in 8x10's and I have to say I am pretty proud of myself. Avery's eyes in this picture are just mezmerizing. I see this picture of Reece and it scares me how fast time is flying with him already and how much he has changed. Photographs say so much more than we think when we first take them. I know we can't take anything with us in heaven and we won't even miss our material possessions, but there is a part of me that is sad thinking about not seeing these for eternity. I am clearly in a weird and sentimental mood today. I guess since I am turning 28 tomorrow and the dreaded 30 is closing in, I am getting a little nostalgic. I am so thankful for Avery and Reece and so thankful that God gives us memories to remember these sweet moments.